Southern Cruisers Riding Club Logo

North Central Florida

Suwannee River Chapter #359

Southern Cruisers Riding Club

Southern Cruisers Riding Club Chapter 359 patch

To Contact 1st Officer:Jay McElroy(aka Seminole Kid) Contact 2nd Officer:Jim Hillhouse (aka Graywolf)

Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a Free, Family Oriented Motorcycle Riding Club that uses the Web to communicate and focuses on the Enjoyment and Fellowship of Riding Motorcycles while doing so Safely. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet club for Motorcycle Enthusiasts. To learn more about Southern Cruisers Riding Club go to the national home page --SCRC National Home Page

Southern Cruisers Riding Club is for everyone who enjoys riding with a club, and our club Policies are very simple. No Dues or Fees, You do not have to show up at All club meetings.There are no tasks for you to perform and there are no major commitments!

Eagle image Southern Cruisers Riding ClubWe just want to ride for the thrill of riding. Most of our trips will be local and not 500 miles from here. So whether you ride a Harley, Honda, Kawasaki, Yamaha, or any other Street Legal motorcycle, you will always be welcome at the Southern Cruisers Riding Club. The cost for membership is FREE. Our Club Patch is optional and is available for purchase at the online store. Local chapter patches can be obtained from the chapter first officer. The SCRC is involved with charity fund raising rides, local and long distance rides, overnighters and club dinner rides, and of course the unknown rides which may lead us anywhere. We also promote Motorcycle and Public Safety rules, And under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will we be involved in any illegal activities. To read the complete rider guidelines go to the group ride guidelines page of the national website -- Rider Guidelines

Rides and Events

Link to the Valdosta Daily Times story on the Saturaday toy run which several riders from SCRS 359 attended

2012 Monthly Rides
Begining January and on the second Saturday of each month SCRC 359 will be meeting at Fatbelly's in White Springs, FL at 10:00AM for breakfast and ride following.

St.Jude Children's Research Hospital is the official charity of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club

Something new in the SCRC Online Store! You can pre-order the new SCRC ring! For more information visit the SCRC Store

Bike runs picture album 1Bike runs picture album 2Bike runs picture album 3Bike runs picture album 4Bike runs picture album 5

NOAA wind chill chart


The Southern Cruisers Riding Club Patch and Graphic Replicas are Trademarks of The SCRC, and may not be duplicated or
used in anyway, on or off line, without the express permission of the Southern Cruisers Riding Club Trademark Owner. Other
Company Names and Trademarks used in Materials on this Website may be Trademarks of their Respective Owners.
COPYRIGHT : Southern Cruisers National

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